Pubdate: Thu, 06 Dec 2001
Source: Tulsa World (OK)
Section: State Briefs
Copyright: 2001 World Publishing Co


McAlester -- A man sentenced to 30 years in prison for drug trafficking was 
so shocked he spent two hours at a hospital before going to jail.

Charles Forest Bernard was convicted of trafficking 84 pounds of marijuana 
found in his car last January.

After a jury recommended he spend 30 years behind bars, an ambulance was 
summoned to the Pittsburg County Courthouse.

"When the jury came back with a sentence of 30 years and a $25,000 fine, he 
started getting weak and short of breath," said Ron Gragg, a courthouse 
security deputy.

Bernard, 57, was ordered held at the jail pending sentencing, and was 
booked in after the hospital visit Tuesday afternoon.

Former Assistant Police Chief Gets Drug Term

MUSKOGEE -- A former Ada assistant police chief received a 6-1/2-year 
prison sentence in a drug case, U.S. Attorney Sheldon Sperling said Wednesday.

Dennis Edmond Corvin, 40, had pleaded guilty earlier to drug charges. He 
admitted establishing a drug manufacturing operation and possessing a 
firearm during and in relation to drug trafficking.

A search of Corvin's home earlier this year turned up marijuana, 
methamphetamine, manufacturing ingredients, drug paraphernalia and firearms.

Authorities said they discovered while talking to a confidential informant 
involved in the methamphetamine trade that Corvin was selling drugs.

Corvin worked for the Ada Police Department for more than 20 years before 
retiring in 1999.
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