Pubdate: Wed, 19 Sep 2001
Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Copyright: 2001 San Jose Mercury News
Author: Ann Landers


DEAR ANN: For several years, research and teen surveys have consistently 
revealed that the more often children eat dinner with their parents, the 
less likely they are to smoke, drink or use illegal drugs.

To remind parents of the importance of family dinners, the National Center 
on Addiction and Substance Abuse is launching an annual event called 
"Family Day: A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children." The event will take 
place on the fourth Monday in September. This year, the date is Sept. 24.

Our goal is to create a symbolic day to highlight the importance of 
parental involvement and encourage Americans to make family dinners a 
regular feature of their lives.

"Parent Power" is the most potent and underutilized tool to prevent teen 
substance abuse. Family dinners are a great way to put "Parent Power" to 
work to keep our children drug-free.

Joseph A. Califano Jr., President,
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia
University, New York

DEAR JOE CALIFANO: What a wonderful idea! The key to helping our children 
grow up drug-free is communication, and the kitchen table provides the 
ideal environment.

I hope every family in America will be sure to schedule dinner together on 
Monday. It doesn't have to be a gourmet meal. Take-out pizza will do. The 
point is to spend time with your children, talking about their day and 
yours, finding ways to work through problems and letting your children know 
you are available.
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