Pubdate: Fri, 31 Aug 2001
Source: Kamloops This Week (CN BC)
Copyright: 2001 Kamloops This Week
Author: Julian Gushulak
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada)



I thought I would try and enlighten you regarding compassion clubs. 
Health Canada has already announced there is no argument as to the 
necessity of marijuana as an alternative treatment. As the government 
continues to stumble over its feet trying to implement some makeshift 
program, the dying and those in chronic pain continue to suffer.

To reiterate Sgt. Randy Brown's comments in a recent newspaper 
interview, the government has left everyone hanging on as to the 
legality of marijuana for medical purposes.

Compassion clubs plan to distribute clean organic and known strains 
of marijuana from dedicated breeders. It will be distributed at a 
discount price to those with current government exemptions.

People have trouble with the overwhelming bureaucracy in applying for 
an exemption. Some doctors are opting to stay clear of the debate 
until they are further educated on the matter.

There will be a membership application process with each case being 
looked at individually in order of necessity.

There will be no smoking on the premises and only those with 
memberships and their escorts or care-givers will be allowed past the 
reception/information counter. This will not be run as a 
"free-for-all" drug distribution area. A delivery system will be 
available to those unable to make it on their own. It's time to set 
aside decades of misconceptions concerning the benefits of marijuana 
and allow its medical use as ordered by the courts.

For information on the club or specific questions, inquiries can be 
directed to Compassion; Box 20001; Stn. Sahali Mall; Kamloops, B.C.; 
V2C 6X1.

Julian Gushulak
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MAP posted-by: Josh