Pubdate: Sun, 02 Sep 2001
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2001 The New York Times Company
Author: Fox Butterfield
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Reversing a 20-year trend toward ever-tougher criminal laws, a number 
of states this year have quietly rolled back some of their most 
stringent anticrime measures, including those imposing mandatory 
minimum sentences and forbidding early parole.

The new laws, along with a voter initiative in California that 
provides for treatment rather than prison for many drug offenders, 
reflect a political climate that has changed markedly as crime has 
fallen, the cost of running prisons has exploded and the economy has 
slowed, state legislators and criminal justice experts say.

After a two-decade boom in prison construction that quadrupled the 
number of inmates, the states now spend a total of $30 billion a year 
to operate their prisons, according to the Bureau of Justice 
Statistics. And with voters saying they are more concerned about 
issues like education than street violence, state legislators are 
finding they must cut the growth in prison inmates to satisfy the 
demand for new services and to balance their budgets.

"I think these new laws are pretty significant, with legislators 
taking politically risky steps that would have been unthinkable even 
a couple of years ago," said Michael Jacobson, a former corrections 
commissioner for New York City who is now a professor at John Jay 
College of Criminal Justice.

"When the spigot stops, you are forced to look at the items that have 
grown the most, and inevitably, in every state, it is corrections," 
Professor Jacobson said.

With several states re-examining their criminal laws, including New 
York, Alabama, Georgia, New Mexico and Idaho, these changes are 
likely to hasten a decline in the number of state prison inmates, 
which began to fall in the second half of last year for the first 
time since 1972, the experts and lawmakers say.

Perhaps the most significant changes, the experts say, occurred in 
four states that this year dropped some 1990's sentencing laws that 
required criminals to serve long terms without the possibility of 
parole. The four are Louisiana, Connecticut, Indiana and North Dakota.

Iowa passed a similar law last spring, giving judges discretion in 
imposing what had been a mandatory five-year sentence for low-level 
drug crimes and certain property crimes, including burglary.

In May, Mississippi passed a law making first-time nonviolent 
offenders eligible for parole after serving only 25 percent of their 
sentences, instead of the 85 percent required under a law enacted in 
1994. Since the earlier law went into effect, the number of prison 
inmates in Mississippi jumped to 37,754 this year, from 10,699 in 
1994, according to state figures.

And West Virginia, which has had one of the fastest-growing prison 
systems, enacted a law to reduce the number of inmates by giving 
money to local counties to develop alternatives to prison, like 
electronic monitoring of people on probation and centers where 
probationers would report each day.

"These may be small states, and the new laws are not comprehensive 
reforms, but it is very significant that these are not just liberal 
Northeastern states," said Nicholas Turner, director of the State 
Sentencing and Corrections Project at the Vera Institute of Justice 
in New York, a research organization that is working with a number of 
the states to reduce prison costs and explore options instead of 
prison. "What has happened this year in these states implies a lot 
about a change in the political culture."

Some lawmakers and lobbyists say such a shift is looming in New York, 
where Gov. George E. Pataki has proposed softening the state's 
notoriously tough Rockefeller-era drug laws, and the 
Democratic-controlled State Assembly has insisted on even more 
far-reaching changes.

Perhaps the most surprising change has come in Louisiana, which has 
the highest per capita incarceration rate in the nation and has long 
had a reputation for brutal prison conditions and wide racial 
disparities in who is sentenced to prison.

Louisiana's new law, strongly supported by Gov. Mike Foster, a 
conservative Republican, and the state district attorneys' 
association, eliminates mandatory prison time for crimes like 
burglary of a residence, possession of small amounts of drugs, 
Medicaid fraud, prostitution, theft of a firearm and obscenity. Since 
Louisiana imposed mandatory minimum sentences six years ago, its 
prison population has increased by 50 percent, to 38,000 from 25,260, 
and was projected to grow to 46,000 by 2004. Under mandatory minimum 
sentences, state expenditures for prisons have soared 70 percent, 
state figures show.

"This is an attempt to bring under control a system that was 
bankrupting the state and was not reducing crime," said State Senator 
Donald R. Cravins, a Democrat who was one of the law's prime 

The situation had reached a point in Louisiana, Senator Cravins said, 
that "we had half the population in prison and the other half 
watching them," while the state spent $600 million a year on 
corrections and was facing a budget deficit.

"We were pouring money into a bottomless pit, but we couldn't address 
the real causes of crime like the lack of early childhood education," 
he said, a particular problem in Louisiana, which has the lowest per 
capita income in the nation.

Not everyone has supported the revised laws. Some legislators have 
been accused of being "soft on crime" and prosecutors have complained 
that scrapping mandatory minimum sentences takes away one of their 
best tools to get street criminals to plea bargain and trade 
information about other criminals in exchange for lesser sentences.

Stephen Mallory, a former deputy director of the Mississippi Bureau 
of Narcotics who is now chairman of the department of criminal 
justice at the University of Southern Mississippi, opposed his 
state's new law restoring eligibility for parole for first-time 
nonviolent criminals.

"It's a joke," Professor Mallory said, because "anyone in law 
enforcement knows these are not first-time offenders. There is a 
strong likelihood that they've committed 30 or 40 crimes before and 
just finally got caught."

The change in the law will be costly for society, Professor Mallory 
said. "If you turn out someone who is a real career criminal, you 
will save $30,000 in prison costs, but he will do $100,000 worth of 
property and emotional damage in more crimes."

But State Representative Michael P. Lawlor, a Democrat who is 
chairman of the Connecticut House judiciary committee, says he sees 
another advantage to the new laws, including the one sponsored by 
Gov. John G. Rowland, a Republican, that ends a decade-old system of 
mandatory prison terms for nonviolent drug offenders. He said the 
changes would help reduce huge racial disparities in who goes to 

Nine out of 10 people in jail and prison in Connecticut for drug 
offenses are black or Hispanic, Mr. Lawlor said, but half of those 
arrested on drug charges are white. Part of the problem, he said, is 
a Connecticut law that established a mandatory sentence for selling 
or possessing drugs within two-thirds of a mile of a school, day care 
center or public housing project.

The result, Mr. Lawlor said, is that 90 percent of cities like 
Hartford or New Haven are within these areas, and so poor and 
minority people who live in these areas end up in prison for any drug 

"I think this is the most significant change in criminal justice 
policy we have made in more than 10 years," Mr. Lawlor said. "Two or 
three years from now you are going to be able to look back and see 
the new law has made a tremendous impact on who is in prison."

And there are more states where change may soon come. The sponsors of 
the California referendum that was approved by voters last November 
mandating drug treatment instead of incarceration for first- and 
second-time offenders convicted of drug possession, are pushing to 
get a similar initiative on the ballot in Florida, Ohio and Michigan 
for the 2002 election.
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