Pubdate: Fri, 10 Aug 2001
Source: Stars and Stripes - Pacific Edition (Asia)
Copyright: 2001 Stars and Stripes
Note: LTEs require name, APO address and phone number.
Author: Jennifer H. Svan, Tokyo bureau chief


YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan - A husband and wife who were found guilty of 
selling drugs to a Yokota High School student were ousted from the 
military and sentenced to jail.

The courts-martial for Mathew P. Scheurer, a former senior airman in 
the 374th Civil Engineer Squadron, and Anne M. Scheurer, formerly an 
airman in 374th Supply Squadron, ended Tuesday after six days.

Air Force Capts. Christopher Schumann and Rick Pakola, the 
prosecutors, called the Scheurer drug case "one of the most serious 
in the Pacific in the last several years. Their level of involvement 
[with drugs] is the highest that we've seen so far," Schumann said.

Believed to be regular drug users for at least eight months, the 
young couple shared their drug habit with a 17-year-old Yokota High 
School student, Schumann and Pakola said.

Mathew Scheurer, 23, received a dishonorable discharge, which "you 
don't see often," Schumann said. He also was sentenced to three years 
in prison.

Anne Scheurer, 20, was given a bad conduct discharge and 2 1/2 years in prison.

Both were reduced in rank to airman basic and ordered to forfeit all 
pay and allowances.

The Scheurers were convicted of using methamphetamine, Ecstasy and 
LSD. Most of their drug use occurred from January 2000 through August 
2000, on base, and in the Tokyo area, the attorneys said.

The Office of Special Investigation at Yokota was tipped to the case 
by a co-worker of Anne Scheurer. The woman told investigators that 
Scheurer talked almost every day at work about using drugs.

Two witnesses testified about their drug involvement with the couple. 
They also are being court-martialed.

The Scheurers' courts-martial were separate.
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