Pubdate: Wed,  8 Aug 2001
Source: National Post (Canada)
Copyright: 2001 Southam Inc.
Author: Bill Hawke


Staff Sergeant Chuck Doucette states, "Marijuana combines the two largest 
killers -- alcohol and tobacco -- together in one drug." (Re: B.C.'s 
'Prince of Pot,' Aug. 7).

He may have been speaking on the topic of the black market implications of 
marijuana to organized crime, but it begs the question: If alcohol and 
tobacco are the two largest killers, then why is all the energy focused on 
marijuana? I would ask the officer when was the last time he had to pick 
someone off the sidewalk on a Saturday night, inebriated with a half-smoked 
joint sticking out of their mouth?

Bill Hawke, Beeton, Ont.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens