Pubdate: Tue, 24 Jul 2001
Source: The Herald-Sun (NC)
Copyright: 2001 The Herald-Sun
Author: Tony Mulvihill
Note: The writer is executive director of the Alcohol/Drug Council of North 
Carolina, based in Durham.


]Judge Leon Stanback need make no apologies for packing Steven Earl Riggs 
off to prison for committing a number of crimes under the influence of 
cocaine ("Repeat offender gets 2-year term," July 21). We who work in the 
field of addiction prevention and treatment do not look at alcohol or drug 
addiction as any excuse or extenuating circumstance for criminal behavior.

Addiction is a disease, but criminal behavior is a choice. We believe 
criminals need to pay a price for their crimes, but we believe that all 
people who have a problem with alcohol or other drugs need to be afforded 
an opportunity to receive effective treatment whether they are criminal or not.

Research has shown that individuals coerced into treatment by the courts, 
through employee assistance programs, or by threat of divorce have an equal 
success rate in the same treatment program as those who are not coerced. 
Durham has many residents who can attest to the fact that coercion works.

Durham needs to strengthen its court-related addiction treatment programs. 
People referred to treatment need to be held accountable through an 
effective, immediate communications system among the courthouse, probation 
and treating agencies. Treatment providers need to be kept to high 
standards and track outcomes.

When we see effective addiction treatment and clients and programs held 
accountable, people like Steven Earl Riggs will be going off to their jobs 
and participating in society rather than going off to prison at the 
taxpayers' expense.

The writer is executive director of the Alcohol/Drug Council of North 
Carolina, based in Durham.

TONY MULVIHILL Durham July 24, 2001 
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