Pubdate: Tue, 03 Jul 2001
Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (CA)
Copyright: 2001 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Author: Robert W. Cooper


The alcohol industry has been very successful in lobbying to restrict 
America's anti-drug efforts to include only illegal drugs, even 
though alcohol is illegal for everyone under 21.

Half of the eighth-graders and 80 percent of the 12th-graders are 
breaking this law. More than 90 percent of them start drinking 
alcohol before going to marijuana.

About 25 percent of eighth-graders and 62 percent of the 12th-graders 
admitted being drunk.

Drinking is incompatible with the obligations of work and marriage. 
Half of the marriages fail. One of three American babies are born to 
single women.

Of attacks by current or former intimate partners of the victims, 
two-thirds had been drinking prior to the attack.

Women who are the heaviest long-term drinkers tend to show the least 
amount of change in their drinking once they become pregnant.

Birth control pills, morning-after pills, and the "miscarriage" pill 
RU 486 will not protect women from HIV infection.

There are currently 16,000 deaths and more than a million injuries in 
alcoholic-related traffic accidents each year. Alcohol is neurotoxic 
with direct effects on nerve cells. Alcoholics' dementia is only 
exceeded by Alzheimer's disease.

About half of the patients in large urban hospitals may be there 
because of their alcohol use.

What appears as the biggest challenge for the new George W. Bush 
administration will be the inclusion of alcohol in any renewed war on 

If President Bush wishes to protect Barbara, Jenna and the young 
people of our nation and world from drugs and HIV infections, he 
could begin by toasting all VIP guests with water or grape juice and 
encourage the VIPs to do the same.

Learn from the mistakes of Nancy Reagan and Betty Ford. Always just 
say no to that first alcoholic drink and encourage family members and 
friends to do the same.


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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe