Pubdate: Sun, 01 Jul 2001
Source: Tulsa World (OK)
Copyright: 2001 World Publishing Co.
Author: Associated Press


WAYNOKA, Okla. (AP) -- The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation has added 
security to the process of destroying confiscated drugs after a former 
waste disposal company employee absconded with some of the illegal substances.

A Woods County judge recently sentenced Monte Lopshire, 50, to 12 years in 
prison after Lopshire pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of marijuana 
with the intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a firearm during the 
commission of a felony and maintaining a place frequented by users of 
controlled drugs.

Lopshire was accused of possession of marijuana that his uncle, Robert 
Makee, confessed to taking in January. Makee worked at the Lone Mountain 

Lopshire received 10 years for the first two offenses and 12 years for the 
last. The sentences are to run concurrently.

A Woods County Sheriff's Department affidavit states that Makee confessed 
to taking 10 pounds of marijuana from the Lone Mountain waste disposal 
site. Kym Koch, OSBI spokeswoman, confirmed that the marijuana had been 
seized as evidence by the agency.

Makee, 54, then gave the drugs to Lopshire, the affidavit states. He 
pleaded guilty to delivery of marijuana and received a two-year suspended 
sentence in May.

Koch said the agency has taken more precautions to ensure that confiscated 
drugs are disposed of properly.

"We have increased the number of criminalists who watch the process from 
start to finish," she said.

Now, six to 10 OSBI representatives go to the site instead of three, she said.

Employees follow the same process to destroy the items as before. Once the 
drugs arrive on the site, employees shred them and mix them with concrete, 
officials said.

After the mixture hardens, it is buried in the landfill, Koch said. Makee 
took the drugs and hid them before they were shredded, she said. He 
returned later to retrieve the items, the affidavit states.

Doug McLain, facility manager, said Makee was dismissed after the incident 
because he did not return to work.

Safety Kleen, the company that manages the Lone Mountain site, does not 
have a disposal contract with any other law enforcement agency, McLain said.

Koch said she doesn't know of any similar incidents in the department's 
yearlong contract with the company.

The department paid approximately $5,835 for service in the fiscal year 
that ends Saturday.
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