Pubdate: Mon, 15 Jan 2001
Source: Northwest Florida Daily News (FL)
Copyright: 2001 Northwest Florida Daily News
Author: Albert Conway


Let me get this straight. News item: "A Tampa judge refused to send a 
convicted drug offender to prison, saying that because he is thin and 
white he would be a target for sexual assault."

Once again, there seems to be a double standard for crimes committed 
by whites and blacks. The message here is that the court is looking 
at the individual and his skin color and deciding that no matter what 
he has done, because he is white, he will not be subjected to prison 
life with all its harsh realities.

I just wonder if the individual was black and thin (all you have to 
do is turn on the news and when they show the prison population, I am 
positive that all black inmates are not 6 feet, 280 pounds), would 
the judge have had the same amount of compassion for his plight?

I guess racism is OK if you're not the one being victimized. And we 
all know - this being the home of the brave and the land of the free 
- - that the lady on the front of the courthouse with the blindfold on 
must be peeking out from under the blindfold to see what color the 
accused is before justice is served, and laughing.


Fort Walton Beach
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