Pubdate: Wed, 12 Jul 2000
Source: Idaho State Journal (ID)
Copyright: 2000 Idaho State Journal
Contact:  PO Box 431, Pocatello ID 83204
Fax: 208-233-8007
Author: Lauren Davenport


Idahoans around Pocatello remind me of the valiant witch hunters of old 
Salem who bravely rooted out those in league with the devil while stealing 
their valuable farms and property for their own use.

Pocatello is obviously suffering under the curse of some drug fiend with a 
bad sense of humor, so there's good reason for a big ado about what your 
neighbor is doing in the privacy of their own home.

When dopers are wreaking economic catastrophe on the state with 
narcotic-induced spells on agriculture, ranching, lumbering, mining and 
industry. If the sky falls, you know there's an addict behind it. Keep up 
the good work Idaho. You'll go down in history right alongside the 
magistrates of old Salem, the glorious holy inquisitioners of Spain and the 
divinely inspired people who put Galileo in his place! Zero tolerance forever!

Spying on your neighbors may be called "Big Brother" by Libertarians and 
social deviants who recite the Bill of Rights, but when a neighbor uses 
drugs, a prison cell is the only answer.

Go, Idaho, Go!
Lauren Davenport,
San Francisco
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart