Pubdate: Fri, 16 Jun 2000
Source: Capital Times, The  (WI)
Copyright: 2000 The Capital Times


Dear Editor: Voice of the people contributor Lisa C. Marshall asks the 
highly pertinent question "How is legalizing drugs going to protect the 

Simple. By removing the profit motive, legalization will reduce young 
people's exposure to drug sellers.

Taverns and convenience stores are legitimate businesses that operate out 
in the open. Their owners know they can lose their licenses and face heavy 
fines if they sell alcohol or tobacco to minors. Since they make almost all 
their money by selling to adults, it's simply not worth the risk for them 
to sell to kids. That';s why they're pretty diligent about asking for ID cards.

On the other hand, dealers of pot and crack and smack take no bigger risk 
selling to kids than adults, and the money is just as good, so they have 
every reason to pursue the youth market.

Legalize drugs, impose an age requirement on buying them, and we will 
actually be doing a better job of protecting our young people from getting 
them than we  are now.

Richard S. Russell
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart