Pubdate: Tue, 10 Oct 2000
Source: Amarillo Globe-News (TX)
Copyright: 2000 Amarillo Globe-News
Contact:  P.O. Box 2091, Amarillo, TX 79166
Fax: (806) 373-0810
Author: Ricky George


TULIA - The Amarillo chapter of the National Association for the 
Advancement of Colored People announced Monday its latest action against 
alleged civil rights violations in Swisher County.

Chapter president Alphonso Vaughn said the chapter will file a complaint 
this week with the U.S. Department of Justice.

The complaint is under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which 
governs municipalities.

If the complaint is successful, federal funds could be withheld from 
Swisher County, Vaughn said.

The announcement was made at a rally in Tulia at Swisher Electric 
Cooperative Inc. on Monday afternoon.

The rally was the second in a week in conjunction with a lawsuit filed in 
U.S. District Court in Amarillo on Sept. 29 by the Texas affiliate of the 
American Civil Liberties Union.

The lawsuit alleges that undercover agent Tom Coleman, Swisher County 
Sheriff Larry Stewart and District Attorney Terry McEachern conspired to 
violate the civil rights of local blacks.

McEachern and Stewart have denied the allegations previously.

Coleman was the lone officer who conducted the 18-month drug operation.

The worth of Coleman's word was in dispute during the trial of a 
24-year-old Tulia man who ultimately received a 60-year prison term. 
Although described by some as an excellent lawman, others challenged his 

Vaughn said Monday the Amarillo chapter will meet with the 47th District 
Attorney's office about possible perjured testimony by Coleman.

Amarillo attorney Jeff Blackburn filed the Sept. 29 lawsuit on behalf of 
his client, Yul Bryant, a man who Blackburn said protested his innocence 
for seven months before the charge was dropped and he finally was released 
from jail.

The lawsuit asks for $1 million in actual damages and $1 million in 
punitive damages from each of the three being sued.

The Amarillo chapter of the NAACP will ask their national leaders to allow 
the chapter to join a lawsuit against Swisher County officials, president 
Alphonso Vaughn said previously.

The Amarillo NAACP chapter conducted its own investigation into the drug 
cases, Vaughn said. The NAACP contacted Swisher County officials and 
examined court documents and trial transcripts.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart