Pubdate: Sat, 19 Aug 2000
Source: Whitecourt Star (CN AB)
Copyright: 2000 Whitecourt Star
Contact:  P.O. Box 630, Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N7 Canada
Fax: (403) 778-6459
Author:  Mariann McLaughlin


When people think of the word sobriety it is often equated with alcohol.

The group Women for Sobriety assists women who are dealing with any 
addiction, such as drugs, gambling, food and alcohol.

"I started this because women have different issues than men," explains 
group founder Frances F.

She says she recognized this need after 20 years with Alcoholics Anonymous 
(AA). She says women have different issues and problems that underline 
their addictions. Some women have dealt with sexual abuse, rape and other 
forms of abuse. "They've tried to destroy themselves from within through 
the addictions," adds Frances.

She says women need a place to go where someone cares and a place that will 
teach them to love themselves.

For the past three years the group has grown from two members to around a 
dozen. According to Frances, everyone comes to the group on her own or 
through a referral.

"There is a freedom to open up," she says, because it's a woman-based 
group. In group discussions, they try to turn negative into a positive 
response about themselves, such as self-esteem and self image, she says.

They also deal with other insecurities, such as abandonment, rejection and 

"When sharing with other women, you can care for them without going 
backwards," she says.

They are able to feel empathy without dwelling on all the negative in their 
own lives.

She also says a lot of people will addictions don't know how to set 
boundaries and some aren't goal-oriented.

The group is based on 13 statements and practices total anonymity.

"As you go through them, you will become a woman who is confident, 
compassionate and very caring towards herself and others," says Frances.

Overall, Frances enjoys helping the women that enter the group.

"It made me feel really good cause so many women have been changing and 
it's a blessing for me to help them."
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