Pubdate: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 Date: 02/22/2000 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Author: Ann Calhoun Hello to all the good citizens out there who are "shocked! shocked!" at the wretched police excess at the LAPD Rampart Division: Shawn Hubler's Feb. 17 column got it right. You are reaping what you sowed, but as long as it's all happening to some powerless, poor Hispanic/black other guy, it'll all be swept under the rug and any reforms will be strictly cosmetic. A critical examination, reevaluation and reform of our entire system of crime and punishment will only occur when the CRASH teams are multiplied by hundreds and turned loose upon the citizens of Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Encino, Manhattan Beach and other rich, white enclaves. When that happens, you'll have profound reform in an eye blink. ANN CALHOUN, Los Osos Bookmark: MAP's shortcut to Rampart items: