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MAPTalk-Digest Thursday, November 5 2009 Volume 09 : Number 113

001 Re: MAP: LEAP: Don't Let Congress Censor Discussion of Legalization
    From: R Givens <>
002 Re: MAP: LEAP: Don't Let Congress Censor Discussion of Legalization
    From: Leroy Casterline <>
003 Fw: Tell your Representative to COSPONSOR Pro-Legalization Bills in Con
    From: Rick Steeb <>


Subj: 001 Re: MAP: LEAP: Don't Let Congress Censor Discussion of Legalization
From: R Givens <>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 00:20:09 -0800

>Not sure if this is really a problem or reality.  this is the same 
>thing Biden put into the ONDCP charter.

The ONDCP charter is a major reason medical marijuana has not been 
recognized. Biden's BS authorizes the drug crusaders to LIE. And the 
lying never stops.

Think of the difference if they were under felony penalties if they 
ignore valid science.

Forcing the drug warriors into acknowledging the truth is essential 
to putting them out of business.

Given Sen Webb's desire for change, it is doubful that the Grassley 
amendment will survive, but it doesn't hurt to insist on deepsixing 
this nonsense.
R Givens

>They lie anyhow so what the heck.
>Who cares about free speech certainly Grassley does not.
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Leroy Casterline <>
>>Sent: Nov 3, 2009 1:49 PM
>>Cc: MAP talk <>
>>Subject: MAP: LEAP: Don't Let Congress Censor Discussion of Legalization
>>Take action here:
>>As soon as this Thursday, November 5, the U.S. Senate Judiciary
>>Committee could vote on an amendment that will legally prevent some of
>>the government's top advisers from even discussing the idea of
>>legalizing or decriminalizing drugs as a solution to the failed "war on
>>Yes, you read that right.  The Senate just might censor its own policy
>>advisers from giving science-based advice.
>>The censorship amendment's author, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), is
>>trying to attach the speech prohibition onto an otherwise positive bill
>>that will create a blue ribbon commission to study our nation's failed
>>criminal justice and drug policies.  The commission is supposed to make
>>recommendations for ways to improve the system, but how can they do that
>>with the blindfold that Sen. Grassley wants to put on them?  Please take
>>action below and tell your senators to oppose the censorship amendment!


Subj: 002 Re: MAP: LEAP: Don't Let Congress Censor Discussion of Legalization
From: Leroy Casterline <>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 06:58:18 -0800

This gives us an opportunity to let our representatives know how we feel 
about them legislatively tying the hands of those who are trying to fix 
what's obviously broken.

R Givens wrote:
>> Not sure if this is really a problem or reality.  this is the same 
>> thing Biden put into the ONDCP charter.
> The ONDCP charter is a major reason medical marijuana has not been 
> recognized. Biden's BS authorizes the drug crusaders to LIE. And the 
> lying never stops.
> Think of the difference if they were under felony penalties if they 
> ignore valid science.
> Forcing the drug warriors into acknowledging the truth is essential to 
> putting them out of business.
> Given Sen Webb's desire for change, it is doubful that the Grassley 
> amendment will survive, but it doesn't hurt to insist on deepsixing 
> this nonsense.
> R Givens
>> They lie anyhow so what the heck.
>> Who cares about free speech certainly Grassley does not.
>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Leroy Casterline <>
>>> Sent: Nov 3, 2009 1:49 PM
>>> To:
>>> Cc: MAP talk <>
>>> Subject: MAP: LEAP: Don't Let Congress Censor Discussion of 
>>> Legalization
>>> Take action here:
>>> As soon as this Thursday, November 5, the U.S. Senate Judiciary
>>> Committee could vote on an amendment that will legally prevent some of
>>> the government's top advisers from even discussing the idea of
>>> legalizing or decriminalizing drugs as a solution to the failed "war on
>>> drugs."
>>> Yes, you read that right.  The Senate just might censor its own policy
>>> advisers from giving science-based advice.
>>> The censorship amendment's author, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), is
>>> trying to attach the speech prohibition onto an otherwise positive bill
>>> that will create a blue ribbon commission to study our nation's failed
>>> criminal justice and drug policies.  The commission is supposed to make
>>> recommendations for ways to improve the system, but how can they do 
>>> that
>>> with the blindfold that Sen. Grassley wants to put on them?  Please 
>>> take
>>> action below and tell your senators to oppose the censorship amendment!
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> Attachment:


Subj: 003 Fw: Tell your Representative to COSPONSOR Pro-Legalization Bills in Congress
From: Rick Steeb <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 08:18:29 -0800

Just because...

- ----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Save Our Society From Drugs <>
To: Save Our Society From Drugs <>
Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 8:11:13 AM
Subject: Tell your Representative to COSPONSOR Pro-Legalization Bills in  Congress

Thank you for using Save Our Society From Drugs Mail System.

Message sent to the following recipients:
Representative Lofgren
Message text follows:

Richard Steeb
1848 Loch Ness Way
San Jose, CA 95121-1523

November 5, 2009

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

I'm writing to urge you to cosponsor HR 3939, a bill introduced by 
Congressman Farr, that would provide an affirmative defense to possession 
of marijuana if it is being used under the advice of one's physician as 

Marijuana inexplicably remains a Schedule I drug as though it has no 
accepted medical value and has a high potential for abuse, despite Judge 
Francis L Young's determination to the contrary in 1988.

All of that is beside the point, that the suppression of the WHOLE TRUTH 
in ANY trial is abominable and unacceptable.

If given the opportunity, please VOTE YES on HR 3939!


Richard Paul Steeb


End of MAPTalk-Digest V09 #113

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